Contact Hanna

Get in Touch

 Hi There,

I love connecting with creative people and those  who appreciate creativity. 

Art is very personal, and evokes an individual response in every person. I would love to hear your response to my art work. 

If you are considering acquiring one of my pieces, I would love to connect  and share the story around the piece.

If you have queries about payment, shipping, or ensuring the piece is delivered safely into your hands, or any other question, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. I’m happy to answer any of your questions, to ensure that the process is smooth and meets your expectations. 

If you would like me to create a piece especially for you, I would be honoured and would love to discuss your vision.

Reach Out and Connect 

Love Hanna


Kwerki Mii

Lilli Pilli
NSW 2536